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Day 17, NOVEMBER 18TH 2021

Today I planned to run 12km, and did it!

Originally, in the plan, it said that I was to run 6km today. This 6km was supposed to get me warmed up for my 12km run the following week, and to get me to focus on preserving my energy. However, after finishing my 10km run on Tuesday I felt very motivated and exited to run 12km, as my goal seemed so close! So I decided to challenge myself and run the 12km.

Here is my average pace, increase/decrease in time and elevation per kilometer:

1KM - average pace was 6'28",elevation of 7m

2KM - average pace was 6'58",increase in time was +0'30",elevation of -5m

3KM - average pace was 7'17",increase in time was +0'19",elevation of 25m

4KM - average pace was 6'55",decrease in time was -0'22",elevation of -21m

5KM - average pace was 7'16",increase in time was +0'21",elevation of 4m

6KM - average pace was 7'40",increase in time was +0'24",elevation of 9m

7KM - average pace was 7'0 1",decrease in time was -0'39",elevation of -7m

8KM - average pace was 7'16",increase in time was +0'15",elevation of -8m

9KM - average pace was 7'37",increase in time was +0'21",elevation of 22m

10KM - average pace was 7'07",decrease in time was -0'30",elevation of -22m

11KM - average pace was 7'30",increase in time was +0'23",elevation of -2m

12KM - average pace was 6'34",decrease in time was -0'56",elevation of -2m

I did feel tired at some points during this run but I just remembered to push myself and continued to motivate myself throughout the run. In terms of sleep, I slept for around 9/10 hours last night, and felt motivated and energized during today’s run. My lunch (around 4-5 hours before my run) consisted of salmon and rice, with a side of veggies. Salmon which is an omega-3 fatty acid, is linked to improvement in heart, lung, and joint health, with the potential to boost your immune system. Whilst running I didn’t feel a huge need for food and I felt fairly comfortable whilst running, my lunch gave me enough energy during my run.

Knowing the feeling of accomplishment I would feel at the end of the run, motivated and pushed me until the end, no matter how tired I felt at some points. Overall, I have really enjoyed this 12km experience, it has really made me push myself, and helped me re-find my love for running.

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