For day 15, I planned to run 2km. However, like day 4, I did not hear the system notification and instead ran an additional 0.24km. My average pace was 6’21” and it took me 14.16 minutes.
Here is my average pace, increase/decrease in speed, and elevation per kilometer.
1KM - average pace was 6’02”, elevation of 3m
2KM - average pace was 6’29”, increase speed of +0’27”, elevation of 3m
During today’s run, I felt motivated and energized. Since this distance is shorter than others, I tried to focus more on my pace, pushing harder for a shorter distance. In terms of sleep, I slept for 9 hours last night, so I felt quite energized the whole day today, and during my run. For lunch, I had pesto avocado chicken pasta, with vegetables on the side. This lunch provided me with some carbs (pasta), good-fat (avocado), protein (chicken), and vegetables. During my run, which was around 4:40 PM, I felt satisfied, there was no hunger or any uncomfortable feeling. I feel like this lunch really gave me the energy that I needed for my run.
Overall, today’s run went well. It felt good to push hard for a short distance, rather than focus on the distance not the pace for a change. For my next run, I will continue to push myself and try my best.